SEMBA head office was selected as a Bronze Winning Project in SKY DESING AWARDS 2023
We are delighted that our efforts of Ethical Design are highly appreciated, and our head office, the “SEMBA Good Ethical Office” selected as a bronze winning project in the Green & Sustainable design division of the Sky Design Awards 2023.

>Click here to learn more about this project.
>Click here to learn more about our efforts to create Good Ethical Office
>Click here to view our project page
Our head office renovation project won the following five awards, commended for rethinking the future of people, communities and the environment with many people inside and outside the company, and for raising the idea of a new way to create offices.
・Longlisted & Sustainable Space Prize for KUKAN DESIGN AWARD 2021
・Shortlisted in Sustainability Category of Dezeen Awards 2022
・Merit Award for Design for Asia Awards 2022
・Winner of ICONIC AWARDS 2023
・BRONZE Winning Project of SKY DESIGN AWARDS 2023
Like the limitless sky, the Sky Design Awards aims to create opportunities for designers to expand their potential and broaden their horizons. The Sky Design Awards was established by Merci Magazine, a company active in the design industry, based in Canada, Hong Kong and Japan.
It recognises the achievements of projects of social significance that demonstrate outstanding creativity, innovation and design.